Let me introduce you
The all in one toolkit to keep productive during pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic that is currently sweeping around the world has had an impact on many people, many people have lost their jobs, have gone bankrupt, reduced salaries, or laid-off employees. And this effect is like a snowball, getting bigger and worse with time.
We are aware we have to 'do something' for this country, whatever it is, even if it is small, we want to help the people who are affected. That's where we thought to provide a second chance, provide another alternative for those who want to rise.
On the basis we built Araneo, which online means spiders, we want to create a platform that is interconnected, resonating with each other to form a very strong network.

Tenant Application
Basically, Araneo is your new office, but virtual, where you can have your company website where you introduce who you are, your portfolio, clients, and your services to the public.
In it, we provide many applications that we continue to add and develop like you have a mini ERP application, you can receive orders and record sales, you can create financial reports, and others.
Sales more
Not only do we make you more productive, but we help you sell more by showing your product or service on Araneo Central Apps.
That way, more of your product or service can be seen, and who knows, orders start coming in and cash flow and getting better.
Marketplace for services
Sometimes, we need something that is not available in the market, like we are looking for a specific product or service. This is where Araneo becomes an alternative market for products and services.
The more tenants, the more products or services they see, and the easier it is to find what they need, from handicrafts, consulting services, lawyers, or building services to get something.